Dear Parents and Carers

From Monday, teachers will begin setting homework through Arbor – our integrated communication platform. This will mean you will receive updates, through the Arbor app or parent portal, when homework is set and submitted. 

Launch Arbor now

Help Video on Accessing Arbor 

More information for parents about homework (called “Assignments”) in Arbor 

Homework is an integral part of school life at St Mary’s and we believe that education is a partnership between home and school  – if we work together, we succeed together. Parents are asked to support pupils with their homework and help us in ensuring that homework is completed. National evidence suggests that pupils who complete homework gain around half a year’s worth of learning and it can also support them develop important skills and habits for personal development in later life. 

The format and frequency of homework will remain the same as last academic year which is outlined on our website curriculum and homework area here: 

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10   Year 11  Year 12   Year 13

Please contact the school if there are particular difficulties or if you need support with computer access – also if you have any questions, suggestions or queries please let us know [email protected]