Dear Parents and Carers

New measures from Monday 21st September

As you be aware from the news rates of COVID 19 infections are rising significantly nationally but particularly in parts of the North West of England including the Wirral.

Last night I received a message from Public Health announcing further measures that we must take from Monday 21st September to play our part in reducing the rate of new infections.

I have included the letter Public Health has asked us to share with you.

However, this letter is for all education settings and separately they have told secondary schools that as of Monday 21st September all staff and pupils MUST wear face coverings in communal areas in schools whereas previously we had been advised that we should encourage staff and pupils to consider wearing them.

In summary the rules regarding the wearing of face coverings from Monday 21st September are as follows

  1. Face coverings MUST be worn by pupils and staff travelling on public transport ie all buses, whether they are school buses or regular services, and trains.


Worryingly we are still getting reports of some pupils not doing this. Please ensure your child has their face coverings as they leave the house and remind them that they need to wear it if they are using public transport.


  1. Parents dropping off pupils close to school gates MUST wear face coverings.


  1. Pupils and staff MUST wear face coverings in communal areas. The advice is that the face covering worn in school should be a different one than the one a pupil has worn on public transport, if they use it.

The positive news is that, at this stage, it appears that the government is seeing the closure of schools as a measure of last resort but we know that we have a crucial play in protecting our wider Wirral community.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding at these challenging times. Working together we will overcome these challenges.


Yours faithfully

Mr A Boyle
