Dear Parents/Carers


Year 10 Parents’ Evening Thursday 13th January 2021 3.30pm-6.45pm

Further to the save the date reminder sent last term, Thursday 13th January is our Year 10 Parents’ Evening. Following parent feedback, we are continuing to use School Cloud which is specifically designed to address the challenge of making and keeping to appointments remotely. The appointments can be conducted via a video link on a mobile phone – they don’t need a specific app. 

School Cloud allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. 

We have used this software with other year groups and parents have reported back very positively on how well it has worked.

Please note, video link appointments are for a specified 5 minute period if you are logged into School Cloud. It will start automatically at the designated time, it will show a countdown, and automatically end the appointment.

Appointments can start to be made from Thursday 6th January 2022 at 3pm.

Please visit  to see how to log in and book your appointments. (A short guide on how to log in and add appointments is attached with this letter.)

Instead of using Zoom for the video meetings, School Cloud booking system will include the video link;

Your child should accompany you on the video link to the College for their meetings, dressed appropriately.

We look forward to seeing you and your child on Thursday 13th January.

Yours faithfully