The map below shows bus routes to and from St Mary’s. Morning routes are in blue and evening routes are in red.
You can move around the map and zoom in to any areas of interest. To find details about stops on the route please click on the line, or look in the table below.
Students are expected to arrive at college by 8.30am. Revised morning bus times are given below:
Issues/comments/complaints regarding the supported bus services must go to Merseytravel Traveline Team on 0151 236 7676. Further contact details can be found on the merseytravel website, “about us” “contact us.”.
Please note: The buses are not for the sole use of St Mary’s students.
Slight Bus Route Changes September PM service
Merseytravel have made slight changes to the 655 and 656 PM services from St Mary’s. To even up the amount of students travelling on each bus, the 655 will now be slightly re-routed to go around Lingham and Town Meadow Lane. This is the PM service only. See attached maps.
The 656 will still go to Meols, Hoylake etc but will go straight down Hoylake Road from Moreton Cross towards Meols. See attached maps. Merseytravel feel these changes are necessary in order to give students a comfortable journey.