13th March 2020

Corona Virus Update

Dear Parents and Carers

Understandably, we have received a number of queries regarding any action we are taking following on from the announcements made by the Prime Minister yesterday.  I receive daily updates currently from the Department for Education as to what, if anything, we need to do differently and I promise you we will act quickly in response to any change in this guidance.

We have pupils and staff return from travelling outside of the UK this evening.  I can confirm the following current guidance from the Department for Education and Public Health England:

Currently there are minimal cases outside the risk areas, which St Mary’s Battlefields trip did not visit, and therefore the likelihood of an individual coming into contact with a confirmed case is low.

There is no need to advise any of these pupils, student or staff to avoid normal activities or educational settings unless they have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

If individuals are aware that they have had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 they should contact NHS 111 for further advice.

Our next planned school trip abroad is our ski trip to Austria during the Easter break. We are currently awaiting the travel company’s response to the Prime Minister’s statement and will contact the families affected as soon as we have more information.

As you will know it is our annual school show, School of Rock, on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th March at the Floral Pavilion. Currently we have not been advised to stop this going ahead but should the situation change we will notify you immediately. Similarly, at this time, the Year 9 Options Evening on Thursday 19th March will go ahead.

With all these things in mind, we would currently expect pupils to attend school as normal on Monday 16th March. Following guidance, if any individual does feel unwell and is exhibiting any of the identified corona virus symptoms, they should keep away from others and stay at home to stop the infection spreading. You may find it helpful to refer to the following link:


Many thanks for your continued support at this challenging time for us all.

Tony Boyle
