Hello Everyone
We are aware that currently many families’ financial circumstances have changed. You may now qualify for your child(ren) to receive Free School Meals.
How will we receive a FSM if my child(re) is currently not attending school?
Currently, unless the child is a Key Worker or Vulnerable child, this is being sent to parents electronically as a voucher that can be spent in a supermarket. We need you to supply us with an email address please.
Does my child(ren) qualify?
Your child will be eligible for Free School Meals if you get any of these benefits:
· Income Support |
· Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance |
· Income-related Employment and Support Allowance |
· Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 |
· The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit |
· Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190 |
· Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ – the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit |
· Universal Credit – if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get) |
Pupils can qualify for Free School Meals if they get any of these benefits themselves.
How does it work?
- Checking whether you qualify and registering is really quick and easy – do it online at:
: https://www.cloudforedu.org.uk/ofsm/sims-wirral.
- If you want your child to have a free, healthy meal at lunchtime that’s great – they will get the free meal (saving you more than £350 a year) and the school gets extra money to help your child and others in their class.
- If you don’t want your child to have a free school meal they can continue as normal – as long as you qualify, and are registered, the school still gets the extra money.
Best wishes from Everyone at St Mary’s.