Dear Parents and Carers

I hope this letter finds you and your family well at what undoubtedly is a time of unprecedented challenge for us all.

Sustaining education for all pupils is leading us to new ways of working but we are very conscious that the children and parents who will be the most anxious are those of pupils who would have been due to sit public examinations this summer. We have been promised far more detailed information this week about how grades will be decided and as soon as we have this and have had the chance to consider its implications we will be back in touch.

During this period of time we want you to know we will do everything possible to support your child. We have set up a Google classroom [class code: kzt7fz3] where there is information and resources on a range of topics that your child can access, in addition to their subject classrooms. There is also the facility for your child to communicate with the Sixth Form team.
We are aware that a number of students have already accepted their university offers and are underway with organising their student finance and accommodation, where necessary. The team will be in touch with students if they have not yet received all their offers or confirmed them, to check our students have all the advice and guidance they need.

We are aware that a number of students are applying for apprenticeships and we will be able to give them support with writing their CV, covering letters and completing application forms, through the Google classroom.

Members of our teams will also be in touch directly to support pupils. Most staff are now working from home so phone calls may appear as number withheld rather than St Mary’s number.
It is unknown how long schools will remain closed and this is a significant year in education for your child as they will leave us after seven years.

At the end of June our staff would ordinarily be wishing your child the best of luck with their future and celebrating their achievements and wider personal development. This would usually include our memorable Leavers’ Assembly and Ball. We know everyone would really miss this opportunity should it not be possible in the forthcoming months, therefore we want you to know we plan to hold an event to recognise all they have brought to our college at some point in the future.

In summary, please encourage your child to persevere with their studies and to stay in touch with our Sixth Form team who are still available to guide and support them.
Yours faithfully

Mr A Boyle