Head of Department:Miss R Holman
Exam BoardEDUQAS
Qualification:GCSE in Art & Design (Art, Craft and Design)

Programme of study

The course is essentially concerned with the traditional media of painting, drawing, ceramic, textile, printing and mixed media exploration. However, inkeeping with developments in contemporary art practice, you are encouraged to explore a range of media and experimental approaches including digital technology to facilitate an engagement with more ‘cutting edge’ methods of visual expression. This is likely to involve a study and exploration of more innovative conceptual approaches to visual communication common to the expanded field of art practice today. This will also incorporate an emphasis on the value of drawing to record  the creative process, interpreted through a wide range of media.

Art is a qualification that develops transferable creative skills. All students will be encouraged to:

  • apply a creative approach to problem solving
  • communicate personal ideas through their work
  • utilise relevant art media, materials and processes to develop and express those original ideas from  initiation to realisation
  • research, and analyse critically, art from their own and other cultures to assist with personal progression
  • acquire a command of specialist artistic vocabulary and an insight into the value and significance of art in society

How is the course structured & assessed?

The course is made up of two units of work;

Unit 1: Portfolio of Work (60%); internally assessed and externally moderated.

Students must produce and submit for assessment a selection of work representative of their course of study. This must contain work in at least two different mediums and include written annotation.

Unit 2: Externally Set Task (40%); internally assessed and externally moderated.

Students produce their personal response to an exam board set task during a 10 hour supervised examination. Assessment is based on four Assessment Objectives which are designed to measure students’ progress in terms of their development of knowledge and understanding. All four are equally weighted and are as follows: developing ideas through investigation of art and culture refining ideas through experimenting with media and techniques recording ideas and observations presenting a personal response

What can these qualifications lead to?

Advances in new technologies have served to increase opportunities within the broad field of Art and Design. Creative young people with artistic flair and skills will always be in demand and there are many employment opportunities available.

Qualifications in GCSE and then A Level Art in our Sixth Form provide a stepping stone for students to access a multitude of creative courses in Higher Education. Art is also a subject from which students can obtain a great deal of personal satisfaction. No matter where students’ career aspirations lie, Art remains a subject from which  all students can derive an enriching life-long experience. The Art department welcomes anyone who enjoys the subject and wants to learn, irrespective of ability.