ParentMail is a perfect way to keep up to date with all school letters and correspondence. ParentMail also allows parents to pay for their child’s school dinners and all school trips. This removes the need for your child to bring money into school.
ParentMail is an easy and convenient way to receive school messages. The advantages of ParentMail are: –
- Receive messages on your computer, tablet or mobile
- See all your messages in one handy, uncluttered feed
- Link to other schools or clubs that also use ParentMail
- Keep up to date with your school calendar
- Authorise trips or permissions online
In order for you to register the school requires an up to date mobile number or email address. In order to ensure that we have the most up to date contact details for your child please contact the main office by calling 0151 639 7531.
If you are confident that school has you’re up to date details, then please follow the link in the email or text you received from St Mary’s Catholic College / ParentMail, or please contact us as above to request a new registration link.