Head of Department: Mrs N Lam
Specification: Edexcel
Qualification: BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Performing Arts (Acting)
Programme of study
Looking after the physical, mental and social well being of young people underpins everything we do at St Mary’s. Physical education has more potential than ever before to change the lives of young people. Our Key Stage 4 curriculum is centered around continuing to develop an understanding amongst students of the importance of a healthy active lifestyle, helping them to make positive life choices in the adult world.
Physical Education is at the centre of well being and achievement and we strongly believe that physical activity plays a significant role in the development of the whole child and can support our students in achieving success across the range of subjects. Consequently, students will take part in 3 PE lessons over a two week period, having the opportunity to participate in a number of different types of sport and physical activity including traditional sports like netball, football, rounders and badminton to fitness based activities such as step aerobics, HITT training and yoga.
How is the course structured?
As a compulsory subject, all students will continue with PE throughout Years 10 and 11.
Through the broad range of sporting activities, delivered across the curriculum, and beyond, our aim is to inspire and foster a lifelong passion towards sport, giving pupils every chance of continued positive physical, mental and social health as they get older.
Students will also be provided with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and their ability to cooperate with each other, working as part of a team and we believe that these skills will become lifelong qualities which will assist in helping them to ‘be more’ and become well rounded adults who are able to make a positive contribution to society.
How will my work be assessed?
All students will continue to be awarded an ATL grade according to their attitude to learning within lessons, which will be reported throughout the year. Student progress will be monitored within the specific activity areas, taking into account student performance in all roles and will not just be based upon practical ability. This information will be discussed with students during ‘where are we now’ weeks within the learning programme.
What can these qualifications lead to?
All students will continue to be awarded an ATL grade according to their attitude to learning within lessons, which will be reported throughout the year. Student progress will be monitored within the specific activity areas, taking into account student performance in all roles and will not just be based upon practical ability. This information will be discussed with students during review weeks within the learning programme.