Please note that our blazers are year group specific, as the badge on the blazer incorporates a feature (the colour of the writing of the college motto “Christ within us all”) as the means of identifying to which year group a child belongs. The colour of blazer badges from September 2018 are shown below.
Year 7 from September 2018
The full college uniform for girls in Years 7 to 10 in September is:
The full college uniform for boys in Years 7 to 10 in September is:
Bespoke items such as badged jumpers, year specific blazers and St Mary's checked skirts are available from Wirral Uniform Centre, 2A Princes Pavement, Birkenhead, CH41 2XY. Online orders can be made at
The new school tie for boys in September will be the same for Yr7 – Yr10. It will be a clip on tie with a double gold stripe on a navy blue background. Ties can be available purchased from the school office.
Hair & Makeup
Students are expected to wear hair in a neat and acceptable style. Hair must be of one colour, natural in appearance. Hair styles (including shaved heads) judged to be extreme by the Headteacher are not permitted. Make-up, including coloured nail varnish, lip gloss and fake tan, is not to be worn. False nails, false eyelashes or other such beauty accessories are not acceptable.
Hair fashion accessories are also not to be worn. Black or Navy ‘Bobbles’ are to be used when tying the hair back. ‘Scrunchies’ are not allowed. Hair bands are permissible but should also be navy blue or black in colour. ‘Holiday braids’ are not permissible. Students who do not conform to the college’s uniform and appearance policy will be sanctioned in line with our Behaviour Policy.
Mobile Phones / Smart devices
We advise that students do not bring mobile phones or smart devices into the college. However, we do recognise that some parents may wish their child to have a mobile phone/smart device with them as they travel to and from St Mary’s. Any mobile phones/smart devices brought in must be both switched off as they enter the school premises and put away until they have left the premises.
We do not take any responsibility for loss of or damage to mobile phones / smart devices. Inappropriate use of phones/devices in school will result in confiscation without notice, and parents/carers will be asked to collect them from Reception. Should you need to contact your child in an emergency, please use the main college number 0151 639 7531. Do not seek to contact your child in college directly as your child’s phone/device will have been switched off as they enter the premises in the morning.
No jewellery apart from a simple watch is allowed (no smart watches).
Where students choose to have piercings, these should be done at the start of the summer holiday to allow them to be removed, as they are not allowed in college.
For Health and Safety reasons, students must not wear coats over their uniform inside the building. We strongly advise against buying expensive designer label coats.
St Mary's badged PE kit can be ordered from our approved uniform suppliers.
Blue fleece (optional), blue polo shirt, blue shorts, blue and gold socks, track suit (optional), inexpensive training shoes and a St Mary’s PE bag.
In the interest of health and safety, students will not be permitted to wear pump-style footwear.
Pumps, canvas style shoes, Converse, Vans and High Tops are not acceptable and must not be brought to lessons.
St Mary’s rugby shirt (optional), blue polo shirt, blue shorts, blue and gold socks, track suit (optional), inexpensive training shoes, football boots and a St Mary’s PE bag.
In the interest of health and safety, students will not be permitted to wear pump-style footwear.
Pumps, canvas style shoes, Converse, Vans and High Tops are not acceptable and must not be brought to lessons.
Students are strongly advised to purchase and wear a gum shield when participating in activities such as rugby.
It is essential that students are correctly equipped if they are to derive the maximum benefit from lessons. Basic equipment for every lesson is: