‘Geography underpins a lifelong ‘conversation’ about the earth as the home of humankind. Geography therefore contributes to a balanced education for all young people in schools, colleges and other settings.’
– A Different View, Geographical Association, 2009
The Geography Department at St. Mary’s is proud of its inclusive curriculum which aims to not only inspire curiosity about our home planet; study connections between different places and contextualise ‘real world’ issues for students but also to cultivate critical thinking skills; develop numeracy and literacy; build confidence and promote positive morals and values in all students. SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) values are intrinsic throughout the curriculum.
We aim to do this through the delivery of a broad and varied curriculum which teaches the knowledge and skills needed to be a global citizen in an ever-changing world.
Year 7
Exciting Explorers – An introduction to key geography skills:
Students have landed on a desert island and, using key geography skills, need to survive and escape the landscape.
Journey Around a Small Island – Geography of the UK (H.I.C):
A study of the basic geography of the UK as well as an overview of basic geographical concepts such as transport, the economy and tourism.
Why Does it Always Rain on Me? – Weather and Climate:
Students will investigate why the weather in the UK is so changeable and will participate in a microclimate investigation around school to find the most suitable location to grow vegetables.
Raging Rivers – Understanding flooding:
Students will look at the impacts flooding can have on areas of the UK and begin to compare these to contrasting areas of the world. They will begin to look at what management techniques might be needed to protect us in the future.
Dangerous Disasters – Cause, effect and responses to natural disasters.
Students will locate and evaluate responses to different natural disasters around the world with a focus on case study examples.
Year 8
Save the Rainforests – Causes and consequences of deforestation:
Students take on the persona of Sir David Attenborough to understand the impacts of deforestation on the forests of the world and the what can be done to protect them.
Brilliant Brazil – A study of a Newly Emerging Economy (N.E.E):
Students are introduced to the concept of urbanisation in the developing world and investigate the impacts inequality can have on lives of children.
Life Below 50 – Impacts of Climate Change on Tundra environments:
Students will be introduced to causes of climate change globally, the impact that this can have on the ice caps and a brief overview of the challenges of global governance in these areas.
Alternative Energies – Investigating energy production;
Reflecting on the causes of climate change, students will study the different ways that energy is produced and participate in a nuclear debate to help decide how the UK should move forward with their energy mix.
Economic Activities – How does trade work around the world and is it fair?
Students will study the football economy and will begin to understand how it supports the growing inequalities between rich and poor countries. They will understand the role of Fairtrade and how they can take a role.
Year 9:
Conflict – Focus on conflict and balancing viewpoints:
Students will investigate conflict caused by current issues such as war, famine and migration. They will focus on the balance of opposing points of view.
Kenya – A country study of a Low-Income Country (L.I.C);
Students recap the causes of inequality and will look at how the country is being developed through tourism and aid programmes.
Restless Earth – A study of earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis:
This is an introduction into the GCSE course and challenges students to understand the processes that take place inside the earth and the resulting tectonic effects which affect people.