Key Stage 5
Level 3 BTEC Diploma in Health and Social Care
This is a 2 year course made up of 8 different units that have been designed to give students the knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes required in the Health and Social Care Sector. This is the equivalent of two ‘A’ levels.
In year 12 you will study:
- Human Lifespan Development.
- Working in Health & Social Care.
- Meeting Individual care and support needs.
- Supporting Individuals with additional needs.
In year 13 you will study:
- Enquiries into current research in health and social care.
- Principles of safe practice in Health and Social Care.
- Promoting Public Health.
- Sociological Perspectives.
Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care
This is a 2 year course made up of 13 different units that have been designed to give students the knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes required in the Health and Social Care Sector. This is the equivalent to three ‘A’ levels.
In year 12 you will study:
- Human Lifespan Development
- Working in Health & Social Care
- Meeting Individual care and support needs
- Supporting Individuals with additional needs
- Physiological Disorders and their care
- Psychological Perspectives
- Understanding Mental Wellbeing
- Work Experience in Health & Social Care– including 100 hours of placement experience in 2 /3 different Health and Social Care contexts.
In year 13 you will study:
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Enquiries into current research in health and social care
- Principles of safe practice in Health and Social Care.
- Promoting Public Health
- Sociological Perspectives
- Work Experience in Health & Social Care– including 100 hours of placement experience in 2 /3 different Health and Social Care contexts.
Year 12 Level 3 BTEC Health and Social Care Unit Information
- Human Lifespan Development – Students learn about physical, intellectual, emotional and social development across the human lifespan, factors affecting development and the effects of ageing. (Examined Unit)
- Working in Health and Social Care - Learners explore what it is like to work in the health and social care sector, including the roles and responsibilities of workers and organisations. (Examined Unit)
- Meeting Individual care and support needs – You will explore the principles behind providing high quality care and support in health and social care organisations, as well as how workers and organisations ensure that they meet individuals’ needs.
- Supporting Individuals with additional needs – you will consider and explore the role of health and social care services in providing care and support for individuals with additional needs including those with physical, sensory and learning disabilities, those with physical and health needs and individuals with social and emotional needs.
- Physiological Disorders and their care- This unit allows students to explore different types of physiological disorders, how they are diagnosed, the development of treatment plans and the provision of support services.
- Psychological Perspectives – Students will learn about the different psychological perspectives and how they are applied in health and social care settings.
- Understanding Mental Wellbeing – This unit allows students to explore the nature of mental wellbeing and mental health, and the impact of mental ill health on individuals.
- Work Experience in Health and Social Care – students will complete this unit across the 2 years carrying out 100 hours of practice in 2/3 settings. Learners explore the benefits of work experience and reflect on their practice, planning for personal and professional development.
Year 13 Level 3 BTEC Health and Social Care Unit Information
- Anatomy & Physiology – Students learn the structure, organisation and function of the human body, and anatomical and physiological systems as well as medical research related to disorders affecting these systems. (Examined Unit)
- Enquiries into Current Research - Learners explore the methodologies of current research and investigate the implications of research for health and social care practice and services. (Examined Unit)
- Principles of safe practice in health and social care – You will explore the importance of safe working practices, safeguarding procedures and responding to emergency situations in health and social care settings.
- Promoting Public Health – Public health is concerned with protecting and improving the health of the population, you will explore the aims of public health policy and the current approaches used in promoting and protecting the health of the population. You will also consider how we can encourage behaviour change in the population.
- Sociological Perspectives – In this unit you will consider different sociological perspectives in relation to social inequalities, demographic change, and patterns and trends in society.
- Work Experience in Health and Social Care – students will complete this unit across the 2 years carrying out 100 hours of practice in 2/3 settings. Learners explore the benefits of work experience and reflect on their practice, planning for personal and professional development.
Year 13: Level 3 BTEC Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care - Current Year 13 Students Only
In year 13 you will study:
- Working in Health & Social Care - Learners explore what it is like to work in the health and social care sector, including the roles and responsibilities of workers and organisations. (Examined Unit)
Sociological Perspectives - In this unit you will consider different sociological perspectives in relation to social inequalities, demographic change, and patterns and trends in society.