Dear Parent/Carers

Christmas Revision Resources

As you will be aware, Year 11 completed their mock exams this half term, and their results will be shared to them on their return in January, where this has not been already done. We are very proud of their resilience considering the disruption they have faced and although we want pupils to have a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas, we are also conscious that this is a significant period of time which pupils could be using for independent study and revision. 

We have therefore been providing Year 11 pupils with packs of resources and revision materials for pupils to take home and use at home over the Christmas break so to close any gaps in learning as identified by mock exams. 

Details of what resources have been sent home with pupils this week are attached. 


These revision and support resources are also always available on Google Classroom which all pupils have a unique school-based login for. More information, including help videos, on how pupils can and should access this platform is available here.  



Over the last few weeks, Year 11 pupils have again been asked if they need laptops at home to access online revision and ongoing homework. We have a bank that we can lend out so these have been going home with pupils this week and individual families have been emailed. If you would like to enquire about the loan of a laptop please contact Mrs Nadiem and Mrs Cotgrave at school or email [email protected]  . 

Reminder about the current national plan for summer exams

The government have made clear that all students should expect to sit examinations in the summer, with some alternative arrangements made in recognition of disruption due to the pandemic:

  •  In English literature, history and geography, the range of content has been slightly reduced. -In GCSE mathematics, students will be provided with formulae that they would otherwise have had to memorise.
  •  In GCSE physics and combined science, students will be given the formula sheets equations they need to apply in their exams. 
  • In BTECs, there is a permitted reduction in units, which reduces the number of assessments your child as to complete. In all cases, adaptations have been integrated into curriculum planning.


As you will know, from previous letters and through parents’ evening this term, the Government has asked schools to ensure a Plan B” is in place in case Summer End of Y11 exams can’t go ahead- either because of further disruption or because of public health advice. In this instance, teacher assessed grades will be used again. Mock exams will be will be used as part of this evidence collecting process.

Booster Sessions 

Following the Christmas holidays, our full booster session programme is continuing to support. Details of these have been shared with pupils and sent on email already this year. They can also be found here

Year 11 Parents’ Information 

As part of our bespoke plan for year 11 to support them to get as much out of the last 20 school weeks, there will be an evening for year 11 parents on Monday 10th January 2022. At this we will share these plans and provide an overview of the support that will be on offer as we approach the next set of mock exams and then their actual GCSEs in the summer.  It is hoped that this evening will be in person, however we will move this on line if need arises. 

Yours sincerely,

Mrs E Parry

Associate Deputy Headteacher 


Calendar Events 

Tuesday 4th January 2022Start of Spring Term: School reopens to all pupils
Monday 10th January 2022Year 11 revision parents event 6.00pm – 7.00pm
Thursday 13th January 2022Year 10 School Cloud Parents evening 3.30pm – 6.45pm
Wednesday 19th January 2022Online parents information evening for Mental Health and Wellbeing
Thursday 27th January 2022Year 9 School Cloud Parents evening 3.30pm – 6.45pm
Tuesday 1st February 2022

Wednesday 2nd February 2022

College show at the Floral Pavilion
Tuesday 8th February 2022

Wednesday 9th February 2022

Year 10 RSE day
Friday 18th February 2022School Closed for Staff Training
Monday 21st – 25th February 2022February Half Term – School Closed


Further Dates can be found here.