Mock Exam Report

Please find attached your child’s first year 11 mock exam report. 

The “Year Target’ is the grade, based on national benchmarks and your child’s end of Year 6 level, that we consider they should be capable of achieving by the end of this academic year. 

The “ATL” (Attitude to Learning) is 1 = Outstanding, 2 = Good, 3 = Requires Improvement, 4 = Unacceptable.

November Mock Exam” is the grade that your child has been awarded from their November Mock Exams, you will notice that each grade broken down into one of three categories:


+A secure grade with the potential to move to the grade higher. 
=  A secure grade. 
A vulnerable grade that is in danger of slipping to the grade lower. 


The aim of this more detailed breakdown is to provide you with information about where additional work or support is needed. 

The mock exams  been marked according to exam specifications and moderated across departments using exam board marker expertise. These grades represent as accurate a picture as we can give you for your child’s performance, at this time, using the grade boundaries for those particular papers. More importantly, they allow teachers the ability to identify where pupils’ learning gaps are and to redesign lessons and booster sessions appropriately, to close these gaps. 

Please note; for BTEC subjects, the grade represents the current evidence that your child has submitted in that subject rather than a mock exam result.  

Maximize Parent Live Webinar- Monday January 31st 6pm- 7pm 

Following our really successful pupil revision skills day on Monday 10th Jan from Maximize, we are running a Live Parent Webinar by the same company. 

This will cover:

✓ How to maintain motivation

✓ Developing independent learning

✓ Planning, prioritising and organisation

✓ Building resilience and coping with failure

✓ Effective study and revision techniques

✓ Dealing with stress and anxiety

Sign up is free. To register for the session click here:  

March Mock Exams  – March 7th for 2 weeks  

The next round of Mocks will be in March which is when all curriculum that pupils need, will have been taught. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office on [email protected] or your child’s pastoral team directly on [email protected] .

Booster Sessions 

Our full booster session programme is continuing to support. Details of these have been shared with pupils and sent on email already this year. They can also be found here

We will also shortly be sending out details of additional booster sessions online on a Wednesday night, face to face on Saturday mornings and in February half term. 

Where can I access online help? 

Please note that the curriculum plans (what pupils are learning and when) for all year groups, are available via our College website at .

In case you missed it, for year 11 pupils, we produced a Parental Course Guide which is available here 

Details of login to Google Classroom where work for isolating pupils as well as revision Materials can be found is here 

Sixth Form

All of our Year 11 pupils have a place in our thriving and successful Sixth Form. If your child hasn’t yet handed in their course choices selection form, ask them to drop in to Mrs Nadiem or Mrs Cotgrave as soon as possible.